Textured plaster – the relief finishing of walls attracting a look

The flat surface finds spatiality if the decorative covering is done relief. Relief surfaces invigorate eyes, intrigue with mysteriousness of shadows. At turning on of lamps or at day lighting their appearance changes. Textured plaster is technology of creation of a relief covering, the finishing material applied for this purpose and also a fruit of work of the plasterer.

What is textured plaster and what it is applied to

Textured mixes are distinguished by a filler tonkozernistost, gentle consistence, a poslushnost when laying. Them create flat (the Venetian or the Moroccan, plaster under concrete) or relief finishings of a surface. The majority of types of textured plaster do not shrink when drying.

In decorative effect of flat coverings a significant role is played by color and technology of drawing dabs of plaster solution. The author's Venetian – the work of art imitating the natural polished stone, silk fabric or a surface at which time worked. Such decorative coverings are multilayered. Technology of putting decorative solution can be difficult and be carried out by the professionals or simplified feasible for beginners.

Relief plaster protects walls of the house, a partition, ceilings from penetration of moisture, other influences. Hiding some defects of surfaces, the decorative covering serves as the heatpreserving and noise-insulating screen. Relief finishing decorates walls, allocating their surface with unique combinations of color, light and shadows. This powerful means of design.

The invoice can be created in various ways. To create a volume covering, special structures are not always necessary. Textured plaster is made of usual hard putty many masters.

Advantages and shortcomings

As finishing material modern textured plaster has the following advantages:

  • durability;
  • durability;
  • universality;
  • resistance to mechanical and chemical influences;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • seamlessness;
  • shumonepronitsayemost;
  • small heat conductivity;
  • ability to masking of small defects;
  • performance by nonprofessionals is possible;
  • boundless potential for creativity;
  • the increased decorative qualities;
  • small weight of the covering;
  • uniqueness.

Too does not do without shortcomings. The high cost of ready materials, a dismantling zatrudnyonnost, complexity of repair became minuses. As the covering is operated many years, the attention to quality of performance of all stages of plaster works is required.


With development of science new finishing materials appeared. The modern plaster structures applied to formation of a relief surface differ in several parameters. Generally are divided by the properties determined by binding substances, additives, fillers.

On appearance and the gained effects

The produced decorative plaster mixes allow to create simple receptions coverings with effects of a fur coat, a rain, a bark beetle, rolling plaster, etc.

Invoices with effect are popular:

  • antique stone;
  • sandy bottom;
  • wood bark;
  • bricklaying;
  • stone facing;
  • skin of reptiles;
  • rough or fleecy fabric;
  • geometrical patterns.

For achievement of bigger expressiveness nacreous or metal components are entered into plaster mixes as fillers.

On application

Structures for creation of decorative invoices share on:

  • front plasters;
  • universal;
  • plasters for internal finishing.

Finishing materials which apply to registration of facades are operated in extreme conditions. Therefore technologists developed the special structures maintaining aggressive influences of the street environment: heavy rains, hail damage, heat and ultraviolet of sunshine, freezing, harmful substances of the gas-polluted atmosphere.

But sometimes front textured mixes apply also in rooms!!!

Conditions in rooms are not so severe – do not demand from decorative plaster for internal finishing of walls of the same firmness, imposing other requirements. Here to the maximum are required pliability of plaster material for performance of thin skillful processing (placeability), the increased decorative effect, environmental friendliness, vapor permeability, ability to clarification. Besides additional requirements are exposed to textured plaster in an interior of functional rooms. In bathrooms, for example, plaster of walls and a ceiling has to be waterproof, in an interior of the living room and bedrooms which - is freely "breathing" in kitchen – not to incorporate kitchen smells, on landings – steadily to resist mechanical influences.

By the filler size

Basic mineral fillers of plaster solutions – stone flour and a crumb, quartz sand, clays.

Plaster mixes are divided by the sizes of particles of filler on:

  • coarse-grained (granules the 3-5th);
  • medium-grained (grain 1.5-2.5mm);
  • fine-grained (fraction 0.5-1mm);
  • fine-grained (flour up to 0.5 mm).

Average and coarse-grained plaster solutions, as a rule, apply to external finishings (facades, arbors, protections). Marble plaster can be an example of coarse-grained plaster mix. Other types – for internal decorative works.


Such knitting as plaster, clay and limy dough are known since dorimsky times. Cement was also applied in antiquity, however, modern cements – a product artificial. The specified materials belong to the class mineral therefore plaster mixes on their basis are called mineral.

Mineral plaster differs:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • vozdukho-and vapor permeability;
  • the increased durability;
  • incombustibility;
  • water-repellent ability;
  • high adhesion with any surfaces;
  • the raised sound insulation;
  • resistance to the biostriking factors;
  • frost resistance;
  • ability to keep heat;
  • the small price (is cheaper than other mixes).

Mineral solutions without addition of a color happen gray, brownish (from clay) or white color.

Mixes are easily tinted, but when drying turn pale.

Are shut by water. At storage protection of dry mixes against moisture is required. Come to the market in the form of dry mixes. Packing – paper bags. Quantity – up to 25 kg.


The look belongs to mineral. However silicate mixes are emitted in a separate class because of features of knitting – liquid glass. It is used only for external works as when drawing harmful substances are emitted.

Perfectly performs functions of relief decorative plaster in street conditions:

  • negoryucha;
  • easily washes;
  • it is well linked to mineral-cotton and polystyrene foam heaters;
  • the best for finishing of cellular concrete and shell rock.

From shortcomings main – too a bystrotverdeyushcha, Coverings subjects (a primer layer) and also overlying (paints) must be on a silicate basis. Maloelastichna. It is possible to buy ready or dry mix.


The most expensive of plasters, but also surpasses others mostly parameters:

  • strong (the old covering is deleted, only cutting down);
  • elastic;
  • universal;
  • durable.

The knitting substance – silicone pitches.


Structures on acrylic resins are highly elastic and durable. Are water-proof therefore are suitable for bathrooms, but do not suit for bedrooms. Concede to mineral structures on resistance to UFL. Easily accept the entered additives, are painted, are easy in application. Content of pitches does them combustible therefore fire-retarding agents are added to mixes. More expensively mineral, but is cheaper than silicone.

Under acrylic structures good primer as water-soluble mixes are easily dehydrated when water is absorbed by the porous basis is required. Are on sale ready. Have the small vital term therefore it is necessary to work with them without breaks.

Tools for work

There is a lot of ways to give the invoice to the put decorative covering therefore there is also a lot of tools and devices.

The main:

  • pallets (various sizes, forms, materials);
  • graters;
  • trowels with the rounded-off corners;
  • rollers figured (for prints) and painting;
  • brushes;
  • painting adhesive tape;
  • mixer;
  • sponges;
  • level;
  • capacities;
  • rags.


  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • ukryvny material;
  • insurance;
  • painting adhesive tape.

Working at height do not forget about own safety, use an insurance.

Preparation of a surface

The relief on a wall is capable to hide small defects of the basis. However walls need to be prepared under plastering.


  • clean;
  • repair chips, cracks;
  • degrease;
  • disinfect;
  • cover with primer on two layers.

If a wall with curvature, then it is leveled at first, having plastered solution from sand and cement. Special requirements to quality of the basis at smooth coverings. They demand ideal flatness of a surface as even the small defect will look through.

Plaster consumption

This indicator "floats", depends on several factors, for example, of quality of the basis, a type of a relief, the applied structure, skill of the plasterer. The expense specified on packing undertakes a reference point. The expense is counted or defined, having made a trial sample. It fluctuates, beginning from an expense on the flat Venetian – 0.14 kg/sq.m. The average consumption of textured mixes makes from 0.9 to 1.2 kg/sq.m.

How to apply textured plaster

The technician of performance of volume plaster by the hands exists much. Ways of putting textured plaster differ in the used tools, technology of imposing of mix, technology of giving of the invoice of the laid mix. It can be creation of a relief prints, a tortsevaniye, use of cliches, special ways of imposing of dabs, etc. The relief on a wall can be executed by a special molding.


This tool has the versions. There are rubber rollers having a figured relief by means of which prints on the laid layer of plaster solution are left. There are rollers with which solution is applied on a wall (it is so possible to gain effect of a fur coat). Them it is possible "to ruffle" artificially the plaster covering which is already laid by an even layer.

Do not forget to moisten during work the surface of the roller with water to avoid sticking of surplus of structure to it

In the first case options are possible. It is possible to do prints, rolling the roller on a surface of a little grabbed plaster layer (the roller is recommended to be moistened with water), and it is possible to use it for performance of intermediate operation of creation of any invoice on a wall, for example, of tree bark.

Stamps cliches

To execute imitation of a stone laying or texture of wooden boards, stamps and cliches from silicone and other materials are applied. The working surface of a stamp is humidified, put to the surface of the laid mix, accurately pressed down, utaplivy in a layer, and removed. It on a wall creates a print. Operation repeats on the neighboring site of a wall.


Technology of work with cliches differs a little. It is possible to receive the drawing which is not issued on height from the general background, and it is possible to make it intentionally towering. In the second case the cliche is imposed on the coat layer which is already put earlier.

The cliche is attached to a wall. Then put a layer of decorative solution (the roller or the pallet), decorate a surface of a layer of the applied mix make-shifts (a brush, a sponge, a hand, etc.), accurately remove a cliche from a wall. Using cliches it is possible to impose plaster mix of other color and to receive finishing with color decorative patterns.


The surprising universal tool – a trowel. It it is possible to create the most various invoices. It it is possible to smooth the combs created by the roller and it is possible to create them, putting a working surface to a svezhenanesyonny layer and otjemlya from it. It is possible to raise and displace it due to coupling of viscous solution, making arc-shaped movements. By means of a trowel receive such invoices as decorative plaster travertine, the world map, decorative plaster a fur coat, a lamb and others.


On Venetian reception of bichromatic drawing

Simple step-by-step instruction:

  1. The wall is prepared and grounded as under wall-paper.
  2. Dry.
  3. Apply the first thin film of zatonirovanny structure.
  4. Dry (not less than 6 hours).
  5. After subdrying of a layer prepare two structures of a different color.
  6. Both structures apply in a small amount with spatula on a trowel. A trowel arc-shaped multidirectional movements they are transferred dabs to a wall. The two first dab are put on some distance from each other. Then fill places near them. After the first dabs of color on a trowel mix up. It is not necessary to be afraid of it. Fill with the mixed structures emptiness between earlier laid dabs or continue to cover a wall. So on a wall there is an effect of a marble covering.
  7. The bichromatic layer is dried.
  8. Clean with the wide pallet a wall from various lumps and sharp ledges. If necessary smooth out a skin and delete dust.
  9. The surface is covered with wax or varnish.

If acrylic structures are applied to "Venetian", they can be zheleznit on a fresh layer or after drying to varnish.

Versailles reception

Quartz-soil the surface is applied with a trowel on grounded the 2-3rd a layer of model structure. It is recommended to process a wall nabolshy reserves on 1-1.5 sq.m. After causing structure it is given the invoice for what it is possible to use a plastic trowel. The pattern is formed by a part of a working surface of a trowel. Any and twisting movements of a trowel (without pressing) leave relief arc-shaped marks on solution. It is desirable not to do passes of the tool long, every time changing the direction of the course. The trowel "is pasted" to the surface of solution, then rises over it a little. Material of solution rises, tries to keep step with it, forming twisting crests and deepenings. Such covering can be made of usual hard putty.

As the layer turns out rather thick, it needs to allow to dry out to steam of days. After that in the beginning the pallet, and then an emery paper (No. 60) sharp ledges are removed. Dust is removed, and the wall is grounded by the roller structure of deep penetration. After drying the wall is painted by structure from the tinted primer with a serebryanka 1:1 which is caused with the roller on relief tops. Final finishing of textured plaster is made for walls by the varnish divorced water (to 30%) with glitter addition (1 tsp on 1 liter). Varnish is rolled with the porolonovy roller.


The invoice can be created make-shifts, sometimes, the most unexpected. It becomes a tortsevaniye, applying the crumpled plastic packages or lumps from fabric, putting and pressing down a crumpled polyethylene film or krupnofakturny fabric (like gunny), carrying out by a brush or transferring it solution by a tortsevaniye method. Even the usual hairbrush or a tablespoon can be useful. Here it is possible not to limit imagination.

Textured plaster of a ceiling

Finishing of a ceiling has the nuances. Acrylic or polyvinyl acetate plastic materials are more suitable for ceiling finishing. Also often apply plaster mixes to ceilings. That the ceiling did not make an impression pressing and massive, patterns of textured plaster for a ceiling do more graceful, and reliefs – less expressed. Special attention needs to be paid to ensuring high adhesiveness of a covering. Methods of creation of the invoice are similar to those which apply to a decor of walls the hands.


As finishing finishing coloring, varnishing or waxing is carried out. Finishing materials in addition strengthen a surface of a plaster covering, give it ability to be cleaned with washing. Paints and varnishes have to be compatible to plaster materials. For reduction of a consumption of paints and varnishes the plastered surfaces in addition are grounded.

Coloring of the plastered relief walls

The relief creates additional features of work. Painting of textured plaster is made so that at the first drawing kryasyashchy material got to all deepenings. It becomes a brush, the roller, a sponge or an airbrush. Surplus of material is shaded that drips were not formed. The second paint coat of other color is usually necessary for allocation of convex parts of a relief.

The paint applied to textured plaster can be a zakolerovana before application. Masters advise, selecting a color, to add literally a droplet of black. It will bring closer the general tone of the painted surface to the natural color which was less irritating eyes.

After addition of a pigment paint needs to be mixed the mixer. It is desirable to make in the imperceptible place trial vykras.

There is several technician of dressing of plaster finishing in two colors. How to paint an impressive covering in various ways, it is possible to read in separate article.


One of ancient ways of dressing are bas-reliefs. It is possible to create a bas-relief in two ways: to buy ready plaster casts or to execute a molding the hands. Palette knives, pallets of various sizes, chisels or cutters on a tree will be necessary for a manual molding. Best of all the fine-grained plaster or other plaster structures with fine-grained texture which are well giving in to a molding and grinding suit for creation of bas-reliefs. The surface plastered previously cannot be covered with varnish or wax to provide the best adhesion with the imposed structure. The molding can be carried out, using cliches or without them.

How to make textured plaster with own hands

On acquisition of expensive impressive structures many finishers apply the textured plaster from usual hard putty made at home to economy. It costs approximately four times cheaper, without being of a lower quality than purchased. It is not difficult to prepare textured hard putty by the hands. It is possible to make it with use of different materials.

With PVA glue

To prepare plaster structure, in the prepared capacity pour two liters of water into which pour 6 kg of finishing dry hard putty. Having mixed solution the mixer, add to it 200 g of the PVA construction glue, mix repeatedly. It is possible to use this structure after a vystaivaniye about 20 minutes. Solution can be tinted or used as it is.

With primer

The same amount of finishing hard putty can be added to ready primer. After hashing the structure, on consistence similar to sour cream turns out. Add a zatirka for seams to it (it is possible to use a color zatirka or to add paint).

With plaster

With two liters of water pour 6 kg of dry hard putty into capacity and mix. Add the PVA construction glue in volume of a glass (200 ml) to the received mix. Textured filling mixes up, "infuses" 20 minutes.

With a crumb

If the structure with a stone crumb is necessary, it is received mixing of hard putty with a crumb of the necessary fraction (4:1). Add water volume to smetanoobrazny consistence to mix. Mixes allow to stand, and before application mix once again. Do not recommend to add dye to this mix. The covering is painted after drying.

Popular producers

Impressive plaster structures make the numerous companies and firms. Such producers as are most popular in Russia:

  • German brands Cerezit, KNAUF, Dufa Modellierputz, ALPINA,
  • Russian VGT, Bayramix, Parade, Bolars, Optimist
  • Italian San Marco,
  • Polish BILIX.

Repair of defects of the invoice

Complexity of repair – one of shortcomings of an impressive plaster covering. If still it is possible to manage to recreate the decorative invoice, having made it not so it is noticeable, then it is impossible to choose an exact color to match former. In this case it is recommended to paint all wall anew.

Rubber hammer (it is possible the plastic handle of the pallet or a chisel) tap a wall, revealing the exfoliated places. The departed material is deleted completely. The bared basis is cleaned, repaired, grounded, dried. For "patch" take same

To repair defect, it is necessary, having taped a wall, to reveal places with peelings of a covering. To accurately remove the exfoliated places. If it is necessary, then to repair the basis. To Progruntovat, dry. Before drawing "patch" to moisten with water of edge of an old covering to provide good adhesion.

The plaster structure needs to be taken with the same basis as old.

It is better to do patches squared. For restoration of the drawing it is necessary to be trained on the small site.

How to return an equal wall

If you decided to paste over the room with wall-paper or to make smooth plaster finishing finishing, the former relief layer of material will hinder. Two options are in that case possible:

  • to remove an old layer of finishing,
  • to level relief ledges putting hard putty.

Former finishing with texture of a sandy bottom is smoothed out an emery paper, delete dust, the surface is grounded, leveled finishing hard putty.

Old relief finishing is deleted in several stages. The wall surface is moistened with hot water that removal happened easier and dust was formed less. If the deleted finishing is laid on a paint layer, it is warmed up the hair dryer, then former plaster material will be removed together with paint.

Apply the pallet with the hammer to removal of a relief layer, the grinder or tsiklyu. Residues of plaster material are removed by means of a metal brush. The released wall is removed dust and grounded. After drying of primer the leveling hard putty layer is applied on the received equal basis.

Impressive coverings, starting with the simplest and finishing highly artistic bas-reliefs, – worthy decoration of an interior of any style. Having examined from in several ways applying texture, persons interested can embody the seen or own ideas the hands, having created unique design of the dwelling. The chief teacher – the practician.

Reference to the main publication
Marbled Venetian plaster: tools, structure and secrets of technology